Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer recently stood outside the Supreme Court building and said: "I want to tell you, Gorsuch, I want to tell you, Kavanaugh, you have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price. You won’t know what hit you, if you go forward with these awful decisions."
This was more than sharp criticism of public officials, which is commonplace and fair commentary. Exclaiming "you won’t know what hit you" is either a veiled threat or an incitement to the angry crowd listening to him.
Had Schumer said it on the Senate floor, the Constitution would shelter him from legal accountability. But he did not. And it’s a crime to "utter loud, threatening, or abusive language" on the grounds of the Supreme Court building. Violators face 60 days in jail.
Chief Justice John Roberts appropriately called it a dangerous, and inappropriate threat. Many called for Schumer to be prosecuted.
While his remark was despicable and out of step with mainstream American discourse, it’s likely First Amendment protected. Which means accountability must come from his fellow senators, who can censure or expel him and his New York constituents, who can vote him from office.
Schumer was frustrated that his preferred position on abortion might be inconsistent with the Constitution, and the Supreme Court – along with its two newest members Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh – may issue a decision not to Schumer’s liking. In short, he’s mad he may not get his way.
Get used to it, Chuck. Most Americans disagree with a few Supreme Court decisions here or there. And we find ways to express discontent without making implied threats of violence or retribution.
There’s no doubt judges ought to be criticized, in civil terms, when they abuse their power. In fact, I regularly speak out when judges act unencumbered by the rule of law.
But intimidation aimed at changing an upcoming ruling is a different matter. That’s because judges, bound by rules of ethics regarding public statements, are ill-equipped to defend themselves. This was predicted by, and a great concern of, the founding fathers.
Well before Alexander Hamilton was writing rap musicals for Broadway, he helped draft the Federalist Papers, an important guide to the framers’ thinking. If the founding of America were a sporting event, the Constitution would be the play-by-play and the Federalist Papers would be the color commentary.
Hamilton, in Federalist 78, identified the judiciary as the weakest of the three branches of government and pointed out "that it can never attack with success either of the other two; and that all possible care is requisite to enable it to defend itself against their attacks."
This year, the attempts at coercion came from a leader of the legislative branch. But, 83 years ago, a similar brush-back pitch came from executive branch.
In a March 9, 1937 fireside chat, President Franklin Roosevelt sought to convince Americans that his scheme to pack the Supreme Court with justices favorable to his policies was something other than an unvarnished grab for power. As a savvy political operator, Roosevelt knew that, even if his attempt failed, his broadcast could intimidate sitting justices.
Booming across millions of radios, Roosevelt targeted the justices who’d been ruling against him. "Our difficulty with the Court today rises not from the Court as an institution but from human beings within it. But we cannot yield our constitutional destiny to the personal judgment of a few men who, being fearful of the future, would deny us the necessary means of dealing with the present."
His message: these jurists are obstructing progress and we must stop them quickly. He didn’t have to wait long.
Three weeks after his broadside, Roosevelt’s bullying paid off: Justice Owen Roberts – previously an opponent of New Deal policies and the progressive agenda, switched his vote to support a narrow 5-4 decision, upholding a controversial minimum wage law. While Roosevelt never acquired additional seats on the high courts, he did force the justices to think twice before ruling the way the law and the Constitution moved them.
President Barack Obama may have attained a similar effect in 2012, as he desperately sought to keep the Obamacare law from being found unconstitutional. As the justices were writing their opinions in the case, he publicly warned them that they were "an unelected group of people" who would be acting improperly if they were to "somehow overturn a duly constituted and passed law."
Obama once taught constitutional law, so he knew that, since 1803, federal courts have been overturning laws. It’s in the job description. But he hoped Americans wouldn’t fully grasp that and, if his gambit worked, citizen discontent would undermine the court. Chief Justice Roberts must have noticed because he, as the other Justice Roberts did in 1937, switched his vote to save the controversial law.
We expect politicians to do zealous rhetorical battle with ideological adversaries. It’s a strength of our democratic republic. But we cannot abide threatening vitriol aimed at the branch who wear robes of cloth, not Kevlar.
Ohio lawyer Mark R. Weaver is the former Deputy Attorney General of Ohio who previously served as a spokesman for the U.S. Department of Justice in Washington. He is the author of the book "A Wordsmith’s Work." Twitter: @MarkRWeaver.